Anthem Kids on Sundays
One of our goals is to see families serving and worshiping Jesus together. We believe that parents should be the primary disciplers of their children. As the community of faith, it is the church’s responsibility to come alongside parents in raising their children in faith in Jesus and the instruction that we give in Anthem Kids is supplementary to what takes place in the home.
In Anthem Kids on Sundays, our mission is to help kids (infants -5th grade) find their way back to God, connect with others, and contribute to changing the world. We believe that kids have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through Bible stories, songs, and more.
Classroom Breakdowns on Sundays:
8:30 AM
Infants (0-2 y/o)
Preschool (2-3 y/o)
PreK-Kindergarten (4-5 y/o)
Elementary (1-3 Grades)
Upper Elementary (4-5 Grades)
10:30 AM
Infants (0-2 y/o)
Preschool (2-3 y/o)
PreK-Kindergarten (4-5 y/o)
Elementary (1-3 Grades)
Upper Elementary (4-5 Grades)
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information:
(NOTE: we value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone)
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Child's name
- Child's birthdate
- Email address
- Home address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children.
We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to get all squared away or completing this pre-registration form before arriving on your first Sunday!
Each Sunday, you will need to check your child into Anthem Kids.
Before the gathering — Parents will check-in their kids with our Welcome Host who will print out a name tag and a claim tag that will be given to parents to present at check-out. This will include your child’s name and your phone number as well as information regarding specific allergies. From there you will walk them to their age-specific classroom.
After the gathering — When you return at the end of service you will check-out your child with a welcome host then hand the claim tag to the teacher.
During the gathering — In the event we need to contact you during the gathering, we will send you a text message to the cell number provided at check-in.
Every volunteer who serves in Anthem Kids has cleared a background check and is committed to making Anthem Kids a safe, Biblically relevant, and fun environment for your kids. In addition, we have a safety team in place whose sole focus for the morning is ensuring the well being of each child (and adult) who joins us each Sunday morning.
If there are any relevant situations that you believe we should be aware of (relatives with restraining orders, etc.), please let the Welcome Host know when you check-in.
To make sure that we keep a safe and fun environment for all children in Anthem Kids, we ask that you keep your child at home if they:
- have had a fever in the past 24 hrs
- have thrown up in the past 24 hrs
- have a productive cough
- have any other contagious illness
Hi, I’m Jenni!
I’m the kids director here at Anthem, and we can’t wait to meet you! If you have any questions, would like more info, or need anything as you’re prepping to join us on Sunday, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Serve With Anthem Kids
We would love for you to be a part of our Anthem Kids Team! We are looking for folks who love sharing the gospel in a way that kids can understand and have a heart to help them learn and grow along side their peers. Anthem Kids ranges from infants to 5th grade.
You are the “face of the place” and the coordinator of the morning. From start to finish the Service Hosts care for the practical and spiritual needs of Anthem Kids. Your smile, calm spirit, and confidence will set the tone for the morning.
Preparation: Sunday morning only
Loving arms to care for our littlest ones while their parents are in the main gathering. Your joyful service will allow the kids to know from an early age that Anthem Kids is a safe place for them to grow.
Preparation: Sunday morning only
Support to the Classroom Lead and leader of a small group of kids as needed. Your warmth, love for the kids, and commitment to let the Holy Spirit work through you will create an environment where each child is known and can grow in his or her faith.
Preparation: Sunday morning only
Provide your classroom with direction by welcoming kids and families as they arrive to your room, initiating transitions throughout the morning and interacting with parents during drop off and pick up. Your warmth, love for the kids and commitment to let the Holy Spirit work through you will create an environment where each child is known and can grow in his or her faith.
Prepation: 1 hr/wk to prepare and pray
A teacher of God’s Word and a support to the small group leaders. Using the curriculum provided, you will communicate the Bible to our kids in a fun and age appropriate way. Your energy, love for the kids and dependence on the Holy Spirit will make the morning a success!
Preparation: 2+hrs/wk to pray and prepare for teaching